Clarity and Solutions for Business Taxes and Accounting

Find confidence in your financial picture and tax structure so you can stay focused on your mission.

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Find Answers to Your Questions

Find a Trusted Advisor for the Journey Ahead

Find Peace of Mind About Your Finances

Business Taxes and Accounting

Tax and accounting regulations are complex and changing faster than ever,

and the uncertainty around these changes can leave you:
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Vulnerable to the risks and costs of non-compliance.

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At risk of losing credibility with banks and financial partners.

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Uncertain about critical financial decisions.

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Distracted from the work of running your business.

Find Clarity and Confidence in the Midst of Change

Clear Picture of Finances Icon

Get a Clear Picture of Your Finances

Make sure your accounting practices are sound so you can make informed, confident decisions about the future.
Proactive in your planning Icon

Be Proactive in Your Planning

Plan ahead for potential tax issues, and make strategic financial decisions based on clear, accurate data.
Focus on what matters Icon

Focus on What Matters Most

You should be able to focus on what you are in business to do: to be profitable and grow.

We understand how challenging it is to maintain clear and accurate finances while running a business.

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Since 1992, we have helped hundreds of clients find confidence in the midst of complexity and change.
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You will have expert guidance for critical tasks such as applying for a loan or preparing for an audit. Robin Nichols has extensive banking knowledge and experience.
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Our team is committed to professionalism and excellence. When we perform work on your behalf, you can be confident that your project will be skillfully completed.
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Together, our founders have 75 years of tax and accounting experience.

Cameron Carter

They have provided the confidence needed in the accounting and tax areas while my company continued to grow. But that’s only part of what they have done for us. When we needed to outsource our bookkeeping, B&N helped us secure the right person. Then, when we decided to bring our bookkeeping in-house, they came alongside us to find competent staff to fill the accounting and administration positions. They coached me on how to run a tight ship and maintain integrity in our internal controls and financial reporting. We couldn’t be happier working with the Battershell & Nichols team and plan to continue our business relationship in the years ahead. READ MORE

Cameron Carter

Jim Amandus Headshot

For more than 30 years, Rick Battershell has guided me through every challenge that has come my way in regard to personal and business tax preparation. When I opened up my first corporation, Rick successfully navigated me through the state and IRS processes as well as HR issues which needed to be addressed. READ MORE

Jim Amandus

Business Accounting Services

at Battershell & Nichols

Financial Reporting 

Tax Prep
& Planning

Consulting Services

Accounting Assistance 

Quickbooks Training 

Here’s How You Find Clarity and Solutions

Talk to our Team Icon

1. Talk to Our Team

Get to know us while we make sure we understand your questions and goals.
Next Steps icon

2. Understand Next Steps

Follow a plan that gives you the clarity and confidence you need to focus on your business.
Trusted Advisor Icon

3. Gain a Trusted Advisor

We invest in your mission and come alongside you to help fulfill it! This is not just a job to us. 

We build long-term relationships with our clients.

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Download Our Free Guide

How to Maximize the Tax Benefits of Working from Home

6 Critical Questions Asked by Employees and Employers

There are tax benefits available to those who are working from home that you do not want to miss. This free resource will help you make the most of them.

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Tax and accounting regulations are complex and changing faster than ever, and the confusion is distracting. At Battershell & Nichols, we come alongside you as a trusted advisor to provide clarity and solutions so you can focus on what matters most. Read More

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Take your first step towards clarity. You’ll get a chance to get to know us, and we’ll make sure we understand your questions and goals.